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Julie Swann

CHHS Co-Founder
Department Head and A. Doug Allison Distinguished Professor
North Carolina State University


Ph.D. Industrial Engineering/Management Science (2001), Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
M.S. Industrial Engineering/Management Science (1998), Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
B.S. Industrial Engineering (1996), Georgia Institute of Technology

Julie Swann

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Julie Swann is the department head and A. Doug Allison Distinguished Professor of the Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. She is an Adjunct Professor in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to joining NC State, she was the Harold R. and Mary Anne Nash Professor in the Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she co-founded and co-directed the Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems, one of the first interdisciplinary research centers on the Georgia Tech campus. In 2009, she was on loan as a science advisor for the H1N1 pandemic response at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Swann is a research leader in using mathematical modeling to enable supply chain systems and health care to become more efficient, effective, or equitable. Recent collaborations have been to quantify the return on public investments to improve pediatric asthma, plan for infectious disease outbreaks, analyze administrative claims data from Medicaid patients across the US, and design systems with decentralized decision makers.

  • Logistics
  • Economic Decision Analysis
  • Health Systems
Selected as the GT College of Engineering 's Georgia Power Professor of Excellence for 2012 - 2012
Selected for the Atlanta Busines Chronicle's 40 under 40 Award - 2011
Joe Magnan Alumna of the Year for Tattnall Square Academy and invited commencement speaker for 2007 graduation - 2007
Paper "Optimal Location of Community Health Centers using Synthetic Estimates for Need" selected as Finalist in 2006 Pierskalla Health Applications paper competition at INFORMS conference - 2006
Inducted into the Council of Outstanding Young Engineering Alumni of Georgia Tech - 2006
Paper "Estimating New and Recurrent Root Caries Among Older Adults" selected as Finalist for 2005 Charles C. Sheppard Award at CDC - 2005
GM-GT Project on Revenue Management selected for the Charles McKuen Award for outstanding contributions to General Motors (GM's highest research award) - 2004
CAREER Award, National Science Foundation January - 2004
Council of Logistics Management Dissertation Award - 2002
INFORMS Dantzig Dissertation Competition, Finalist - 2002